Traffic Control Signs


 Why are Traffic Control Signs important while traveling on Road? 


  Roads are the hard shells erected to travel on. Numerous times we read or hear about road accidents. It's important that road druggies take care to avoid road accidents. Roads druggies are drivers, cyclists and climbers. 

Road signs are also known as business signs. There are signs near the road that give information or instruction to road druggies. 

 There are three types of road signs. These are advising signs, order signs and information signs. 

 The warning and information given by these signs attendants to directs the road druggies on how to uses the road safely. 

Traffic Control Signs 

The most common device for regulating, advising and companion motorists is called business signs. 


 It has following types 

1) Regulatory and Mandatory Signs 

 These signs put the legal restrictions applicable at particular locales being generally unenforceable in the absence of similar signs. The violation of these signs is a legal offence. The signs include Stop and Give- way signs; Prohibitory signs; No parking and No Stopping Signs; Speed Limit and Vehicle Control Signs, Restriction Ends Subscribe, Mandatory direction control and other signs. 

2) Warning or Exemplary Signs 

 These signs are used to advise the road druggies of certain dangerous conditions that exit on or conterminous to the thruway. The warning signs include bends, dips, road, junctions, seminaries, position crossings, narrow islands,U-Turns and cross roads etc. The signs similar as"Road Under Repair"and"Speed Breaker Ahead"are also advising signs. These signs are painted on blockish plates 40 cm, 45 cm. An equilateral plate of 45 cm sides is handed 15 cm above each of these signs. The bottom of the triangle is kept2.75 m above the ground position. 

3) Seditious or Guide Signs 

 these signs are used to guide the roads stoner along routes inform them of destination and distance and give with information similar as" End of Speed Limit","Parking Zone"etc. 


 It's important and obligatory for all motorists driving motor bikes, auto or any other machine to be apprehensive of all business signs, symbols and signals. All similar signs and symbols are located at most major business signals, major roads, road turnings & crossings, near seminaries and hospitals, road crossings and other important places. 

 It isn't hard to learn and understand the meaning of business signs and symbols. All one need to do is have a look at the business rules companion and understand meaning of these signs and symbols. 


 Interpretations of Traffic Control signs 

Road signs carry dispatches to road druggies through symbols, shapes and colors. 


 These are signs which give warnings, orders, information or direction and temporary conditions. 







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